
Born in 1994, Iran
PhD Candidate in Computer Science Yazd University

 Personal Information

First Name Saeed
Last Name Ziadid
Birthday 18 July 1994
Nationality Iran


Email Address
Academic Email
Postal Address Combinatorial and Geometric Algorithms Lab, Yazd University, University Blvd, Safayieh, Yazd, Iran

About Me

My name is Saeed Ziadid (ZIA) and I am a Ph.D. student in computer science at Yazd University. My research focuses on the design and analysis of both exact and approximate algorithms, especially in graph theory. I am particularly interested in natural language processing (NLP) and Game theory as alternate fields of my research. I am a strong proponent of teamwork and I have experienced a lot of social-scientific activities. I always try to connect my academic knowledge to real-world applications. I believe that this connection will be the best way to handle and cope with real-world problems.
In my free time, I enjoy reading books, playing chess, watching soccer, walking, and listening to music.


Yazd University
PhD, Computer Science

2020 — present

Supervisor: Professor Mahdieh Hasheminezhad

Tarbiat Modares University
Master's degree, Computer Science

2017 - 2020

Supervisor: Professor Ali Rajaei

Advisor: Professor Mansoor Rezghi

Thesis Title: Pre-trained deep bidirectional transformers model for natural language processing tasks

Guilan University
Bachelor's degree, Computer Science

2012 - 2017

Algorithm Design and Analysis

    • 85%

Artificial Intelligence

    • 70%


    • 55%

Graph Theory

    • 80%


    • 70%

Teacher Assistant
at Guilan University

2014 — Present

Courses: Data Structures - Operating Systems - Theory of Computation - Logic in Computer Science - Introduction to Matrix and Linear Algebra

of Aminabit Software Group

2017 — 2020